Notes for power module installation
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Notes for power module installation

Author: Zhongyiguang .Ltd release time:2020-11-27 10:52:55CTR:

The reason why accessories are called accessories is mainly because they need to be combined with other accessories to play its due function. The power module is the same. We need to install it after we buy it. Let's take a look!

1. As the first step of installation, the metal shell of the power supply of the module must be grounded stably to ensure safety, but the shell cannot be connected into the zero line by mistake.

2. Before the end of the installation of the plug, the connection lines on each terminal row should be checked again to ensure the accuracy of input and output, AC and DC, single-phase and multiphase, positive and negative poles, working voltage value and current, etc., so as to avoid the occurrence of wrong connection and plug.

3. For high-power power supply, there are generally two or more "+" output terminals and "-" output terminals. In fact, they all belong to the same output electrode, just to make it easier for customers to wire, and they are connected together internally.

4. In order to achieve the full cooling effect, the module power supply should be installed in the part where the air convection is better. When the operating current of the linear power supply is above 4A, or the operating current of the switching power supply is above 7A, forced air cooling shall be installed. In addition, no other objects are allowed to be placed on the module power case.

5. For the high-voltage module power supply, do not touch the high-voltage danger zone during the application process and within 10 minutes after the power failure.

6. The power supply of the module cannot be forced to disassemble, and the forced demolition is broken.

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